Sunday, November 15, 2009

Long overdue update

So, I know it's been almost 2 months since I last updated the blog.... I've been so busy lately and just feeling lazy. And I did actually try to update a month ago- I wrote a big post and then my computer went crazy and I lost the post. It was all I could do to not throw my computer out the window at the time, so re-writing the post was definitely not an option. :P

Since September, here are some things that have happened in my life, just some highlights.

1) I have a new car. Noah didn't actually die, he's still at my parents house, and despite the fact that he's just an old car, he was MY old car and I miss him terribly. I know I sound like a huge weirdo for being so attached to my car, but too bad. I'm now leasing my sister's car, a black Nissan Sentra. My dad repainted it with sweet pink and gray striping on it's side (it used to be red and gray) and I like that a lot better. This car has been dubbed Sweets. For two reasons- one, beck named him Lance, a name I didn't really like. However, on one of my fav TV shows, Bones, one of my favorite characters is called Dr. Lance Sweets. (Everyone calls him Sweets). So it's perfect, my car's name is Lance Sweets. Plus he has a sweet candy pink stripe. :) I love Sweets, but miss my Noah a lot.

2) I've gotten crazy busy at work. My only co-worker lauren went on maternity leave on October 12, so I've been nuts taking over her work as well as carrying my own. I'm managing, thank God I'm a very organized person who's extremely good at multi-tasking, or else I'd be dead by now. My boss has been great though so that's good.

3) I'm getting really involved with my Church- I'm in two community groups, and I'm taking the 10 week Explore class (it's for people who are thinking about becoming members of the Church) plus I'm taking the 10 month Grow class- a class that's designed to help people grow in their faith. I've been loving it. It's been such a blessing to learn and grow with my fellow community group members. Not to mention we have tons of social events- the last weekend of October was the singles retreat (AWESOME experience!!! I had a great time!) this Friday is a game night at Leah and Jackie's house, there's a holiday party the first Sat of December at Phil's, and there's a singles Christmas party December 19. Oh and this coming Sunday is a cookie baking day with my Monday night CG- we're baking cookies for Jamie and Tabitha's mini wedding reception (being held for guests who come to the wedding but weren't invited to the main reception). I'm actually in charge of the mini-reception, I hope it goes well. Yesterday my mom and I were out getting a lot of the decorations and supplies. I had such a good time shopping with my mom!

4) November 4-9 I went to Bahrain to visit Becky!!! Unfortunately due to the travel time, I only had 3 days with her- it went way too fast. I would have loved to have stayed longer, but I was lucky enough to get these couple days off at work (see number 2 above) so I took what I could get. Becky was so wonderful, she bought the ticket for me, since I'm just a poor overworked researcher that no one cares about (no one cares about the research I mean, people care about me. At least I think they do! :P) so that was really nice. I flew British Air, which was awesome. I highly recommend it. The flights went so smoothly. Becky flew me over specifically so I could go to the marine ball with her... it was so much fun! I loved it. I'd put up pics but I'm feeling pretty lazy, plus I have a lot up on facebook so everyone can check them out there. :) I felt like a princess though. It was a nice feeling. :)

So, that's some of the biggest stuff that's happened to me for a while. There should be plenty to update now with the holidays approaching, and it appears I'm over my lazy slump, so stay tuned. I'll try to be better at updating!

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