Sunday, July 26, 2009

Saidi stage dance, The Proposal

I really had a great time at my bellydance class Friday night with Sahra Saeeda. The class I took was focusing on Saidi stage dance. The Said (pronounced Sah-eed) is a region of Egypt. Anyway, I loved it. I am better at Saidi stage dance than regular Egyptian style bellydance. This is probably becuase the movements are more masculinized for the stage. Therefore I don't have to focus on these special, intricate movements so much that are more common to Egyptian style bellydance. It kind of felt like Egyptian style line dancing, in a strange way. And since I have country line danced since eighth grade, it was easy for me to catch on and follow the movements. Also, Sahra was an excellent instructor. She explained things very well and was easy to follow. As much as I enjoyed Jehan's class back in April, I liked this class a little better because I got more out of it. If Sahra comes to Ardmore again, I'm DEFINITELY taking more classes! :)

Yesterday I had to drive back to my parents house to pick up my car, which had been getting work done. So my mom and I went to the movies and saw The Proposal. My whole family are huge Sandra Bullock fans, and this was great. It was cute and funny, we really liked it. I recommend it!

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