Saturday, April 18, 2009

Indian connection night, Whole Foods

So, last month I attended an Asian Connection party hosted by some members of the new Bible Study I've been attending, and I had a great time. Well, tonight is another party, this time, it's an Indian Connection party! I'm really looking forward to it, I love Indian food. Since I don't have any traditional Indian clothes (too bad though, I think Sari's are sooo beautiful and would love to have one) I'm wearing a red top to match my red sandals that look quite Indian. They're decorated with lots of silver, red, and black beads and sequins. They're quite possibly the most awesome footwear I've ever owned. DEFINITELY the most awesome sandals. And I only bought them for like, 15 bucks at Payless. Anyway, I also decided to wear my capris with sequins on the bottom, and my silver ankle bracelets, and my awesome red sequin earrings. This description makes me sound like something out of Vegas I think, but really, it looks good! :) Indian women love jewelery and the more decorative it is, the better. Hence my decision for what to wear. I wish I knew how to make Indian food, but alas, I was spoiled by Roshani, my dear friend who just made all things delicious for me. I don't see her much anymore unfortunately. :( I really miss her. That was one of the bad things about leaving Fox Chase.

Anyway, instead of bringing Indian food, I'm bringing a cherry cheese coffee cake, curtesy of Whole Foods. :) I really wanted to make individual cherry cheese cakes (so easy to make and delicious too!) but the roommie was slow roasting a roast all day so I couldn't use the oven. So store bought will have to do. Speaking of Whole Foods, what a treat! I could have wandered around all day in there. I normally don't shop there, because it is more expensive, but as I'm really trying to eat healthier, there are some things that I can only buy there (like cold pressed, non-GMO coconut oil, and whole grain sprouted bread, that sort of thing) so I went in for a bit today. It really is an awesome store and makes me wish I didn't have to watch my spending so much. I'd love to do all my shopping there.

Anyway, more details on tonight later! I soon have to leave to make it on time. But also stay posted for new events, next Saturday is the Sandy Rollman 5K walk/run for Ovarian Cancer that my mom and sister and I are participating in, not to mention, I'm bellydancing with Jehan that night! I can't wait for the class- shimmylicious dance and drum solo. Sounds intriguing! :) I can't wait!

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