Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child book signing!!!!

So, another aspect of my busy weeks has been voraciously reading Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child novels- This dynamic duo writes FABULOUS stories... one of which (The Relic) happens to be one of my favorite novels of all time. All the books I've read of theirs have been terrific so far, but none can surpass the Relic in my eyes. :) Last week I just breezed through a trilogy of books they wrote featuring Special Agent Pendergast- a repeat character who first showed up in The Relic, and who happens to be one of my favorite characters. That's the neat thing about their books, a lot of them have recurring characters, like Pendergast, D'Agosta, Smithback, Margo Green, and more. I feel like I know the characters because they've been in so many books. Anyway, the trilogy (Brimstone, Dance of Death, and Book of the Dead, to be read in that order) was amazing. And to my amazing luck, their newest book, Cemetary Dance, (featuring Pendergast again, yay!) just hit the bookstores Tuesday! And not only THAT, but I discovered that they were doing book signings, and that they'd be in West Chester for a book signing May 14! So yesterday I headed to the bookstore for the signing and actually managed to not get lost. Douglas and Lincoln were introduced and talked a little about their newest book, Cemetary Dance, and how they met, how they write to together, stuff like that. Then there was a question/answer session, and then they signed books for everyone. I didn't say much when I got up there, I was so nervous! Ha, it's not often that I'm speechless so that is saying something about how much I like these guys and their books. :) But I got my old, tattered copy of The Relic signed by them, so I was happy! Even though I have tons of new books of theirs they could have signed, I really wanted my copy of the Relic signed. It's so beat up- it actually belonged to my 8th grade English teacher, Mrs. Imboden, so tons of people handled it, and she ended up giving it to me because I loved it so much. And of course I've read it tons of times, so it's definitely seen better days. But I think it's tattered pages are a testimony to the work of art that it is, so that's why I wanted it signed. :) I think it was worth the trip out to West Chester.

The only thing I'm bummed about is that in this newest book, they kill off one of the main characters, Bill Smithback, which seriously upset me. I love his character and he didn't even have a respectable death. (By the way I'm not really ruining this for anyone who may read the book because if you open the front cover of the book, you immediately see that Bill dies. That's how I found out.) If I hadn't been so nervous yesterday, I would have yelled at them for that. :P I'll still read the book, but I have to say, I'm not as excited to read it now that I know that Bill dies. I can't believe I'm so upset over a make believe person... but I am. Hmm. That can't be good. This is probably a good place to end this blog, I think, before I make myself sound like even more of a loser than I already am. :)

P.S. The signing was taped and will be on youtube, so you could possibly see me very briefly on youtube. Interesting.

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