Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Some highlights from the last couple weeks :)

So since it's been quite a while since I've really posted, I'm trying to recall all the cool stuff I've done in that time! Here are some recaps that I remember:

1) Bellydance class with Jehan- FABULOUS. That woman is phenomenal! I had such a great time, the 2 hour class flew by. I picked up some great music from the class, Jehan also does her own CD's (I thought the voice sounded familiar! :) so I picked up a CD of hers to start practicing to. Also from the class I discovered Tarkan- a Turkish singer who besides for being super gorgeous is actually a great singer with terrific songs. I have half a dozen Youtube videos of his songs bookmarked on my computer. My favorite song (and one that Jehan taught us a dance to) is called Shikidim- translated to english it means shake. :) I absolutely love it! I want to get up and dance every time I hear it!

2) Sword and floorwork bellydance class and potluck- last Friday and the Friday before that, I trekked over to Najia's house (my bellydance teacher) for a potluck one night, and the sword and floorwork class the next week. As always, I had a fabulous time, enjoying tons of delicious vegan dishes (I'm getting recipes sent to me soon, yay!) and just enjoying spending time with some of my classmates. I also finally bought a bellydance costume! It was on sale for a phenomenal price, so I gave in. It's gorgeous, covered in sequins and beadwork like you wouldn't believe. All hand-sewn, too. Amazing. The next week, for the sword and floorwork class, I made a vegan chocolate cake for the potluck, and it turned out fantastic! I had rave reviews. Really, you'd never know it was vegan if I didn't tell you it was. And it was so easy to make. The class was really fun, I don't have a sword yet, but Najia had one for me to borrow. It's actually easier to balance on your head than you may think... but it does get heavy after a while. I had a little dent in my head from where I had the sword positioned! It went away after a while, though. :) The floorwork part was fun too, and a GREAT workout. I definitely felt it in my legs the next day!

3) Covenant Fellowship Church- last Sunday, I finally attended Covenant Fellowship Church for Sunday morning worship. I've been regularly attending the Monday night community group since March, and I really liked the people and loved the feeling of connection I had. I really enjoyed the Sunday worship, so I made the decision to continue attending there. It was hard only in that I do love Lansdale Presbyterian Church and all the people there... but I've just felt very disconnected lately because I'm so far away, I can't really be a part of the Church like I want to. Though Covenant Fellowship isn't super close to me either, it's a much bigger Church, so there are many more satellite opportunities to be involved. Lots of people to attend CFC live near me, in Newtown Square, Roxborough, Drexel Hill, Media... I can be connected much easier.

And connected I am! Phil, our "secretary of socialism" according to Brian ;) has quite a list of activities planned throughout the summer! I'm really looking forward to them. Some of the activities planned that I can attend are the Media 5 mile run, a weekend trip to Niagra Falls, a weekend camping trip to some state park (forget where), One S1ngle Day (a single fellowship meeting out in Lancaster), a July 4th bbque... and the list goes on. I'm very exited and will hopefully post things as they come!

4) Becoming Blonde, Mother's Day- So, I'm not actually blonde, but my hair is the lightest it's ever been, that's for sure! Some parts are quite blonde, but I still have brown in it too. Patrick, my mom's stylist, did a very good job blending colors to make it look really pretty, but more natural. It's as light as I can get without looking really stupid, considering I have darker features. The only downside is that it was more expensive than I would have liked, but, since I really like it, I'll let that go. :) The next day was Mother's Day, and I had a great time with my mom. Actually we celebrated early, after my hair appointment on Saturday, we went into Reading and I treated her to dinner at this delicious mexican restaurant, On the Border. Later we met up with Britt at Coldstone Creamery for some delicious ice cream for dessert. Yummy! Late in the evening, when my parents were asleep, I cleaned the house to surprise my mom for Mother's Day. She's quite disorganized and while our house is never really dirty, it always seems to be cluttered. She really enjoyed the surprise when she woke up! Not to mention the expensive perfume she wanted from Victoria's Secret that Britt and I bought her. But we love our mom, so it's all good. :)

Ok, I think that about covers the main highlights of the last couple weeks... and now that summer is almost here, I'll be even busier for a while! I cannot believe it's almost Memorial Day Weekend! I can't wait for it.... not only will I have a four day weekend of fun (YES!) but Becky is coming home!!!! And she'll be home for at least 4-5 weeks, she's on home leave for a bit. Yay! I can't wait to see her! Keep checking in for more updates! :)

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