Thursday, August 7, 2008

The American Dream? Or the American Nightmare?

I just read a terrible story on where nine people were killed in a car crash in Arizona, and 10 more were injured. These 19 people were all in the same car, and apparently were illegal immigrants. That so many people were killed or injured is horrible enough, but what was truly disturbing to me were the terrible, malicious comments people left about the story. Namely, that they were glad nine of the "illegals" died, though they were complaining we still have to "take care of ten more." Also, people were happy that "no Americans died."

What is this? How can people rejoice in the death of others, no matter what the situation? Quite frankly, illegal or otherwise, Mexican people are some of the hardest working people I know. And ironically, I'm sure most of the people complaining on that site are people who would never stoop so low as to do the jobs the illegal Mexicans are doing. I was taught that there is no shame in working, in working ANY job. And to take pride in whatever you do, do matter how simple or complex, or how much or little money you make doing it. However, I've found that I'm quite in the minority with a mindset such as this. People just assume if I'm doing a menial job, I have no ambition. Most people assume that about anyone doing a menial, simple task. And that's really wrong, and sad. Whatever happened to the hard work ethic of American people? When did the American Dream consume us to the point of sucking out our souls? We have no compassion, no pride in good, honest work. We put a price tag on everything, and expect and demand nothing less than the best, no matter what it costs, or who it hurts. How did this happen? How did we get to this point? And more importantly, how do we get out of this?

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