Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fall is in the air

Ahhh, fall.... my absolute favorite season. I hate when it's too hot, and I especially hate humidity. Thus, the advent of fall is a joyous time for me. It snuck up on me this year, I didn't realize how close it was until I woke up to go to the gym yesterday. I like to go to the gym early, around 5:30 am, and when I woke up to get ready, it was still dark. When did that happen? That is a bummer about fall, I hate the shorter days. Winter is absolutely depressing when it gets dark by 4:30 pm. But anyway, another thing I had noticed was that it's been cooler in the early morning as well. I can't wait till the leaves start changing, and the air has the crisp briskness to it, and I can start wearing sweaters and long sleeves again. No matter how much weight I lose, I'll always feel more comfortable the more covered up I am. :P

Fall's a great time because I love the holidays around that time- Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas (yes I know Christmas is in winter, but we start getting ready for it right after Thanksgiving at my house, so close enough). I used to love going back to school too. There was such anticipation, I loved buying my school supplies, and picking out my outfit for the first day back. Sigh.... I miss school. I really do. If I could, I'd be a professional student for the rest of my life.

Anyway, I'm excited for the new season. Fall, hurry up already! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree!! and i miss that part of school, too. the school supply shopping and the first day outfit...tom and i went to aviano last weekend and they had everything ready...*tear*. it makes me so nostalgic.

oh it's anonymous beck by the way, haha