Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Augh, the perils of science :P

I like to do so many things, why did I ever decide to choose scientific research as a profession? Most people do not realize the insanity that ensues when trying to discover something that a masterful God created. Everyone laughs when Thomas Edison took two thousand tries before creating the light bulb, but have you ever thought how frustrating that must have been? And the amount of patience and persistance it took?

Well, I know. And being that I am not very patient, sometimes my job gets the best of me. Sometimes going to work is like heading into a battle. Lately I've been battling the PCR machine and losing. Badly:( For those reading who aren't scientifically minded, a PCR machine is a nifty little machine that basically amplifies DNA over and over again. So you put in a little amount of DNA, it replicates it so you have a lot of DNA, and then you can further use the DNA for whatever you want (in my case, I'm checking the genotypes of mice). However, this little machine is very precise, and if anything gets contaminated or is off in any type of way, your results are basically crap. And trust me, it's easy to mess things up. This week, the PCR is all messed up, and I'm thinking it's because I came into work on Monday only to find that the door to the freezer where I keep all my reagents was left slightly ajar. ALL WEEKEND. Hence, most of the things inside the freezer had thawed. CRAP. So now I have to go through and basically "guess and test" all the reagents to see which one (or ones) isn't working. It's tiring, it's tedious, and I'm thoroughly sick of it. Thank goodness my vacation starts Friday at 5 pm! I cannot wait!


Anonymous said...

hey you do realize that MB is only about 4 hours from clemson right??

Anonymous said...

OMG jen im so freaking proud of myself!!!!!!

did you catch, that that is NOT a true double helix?!?! it's a lefthanded one! And YOU showed me about them when i had that stupid bio class with hepfer!! god i did NOT like that lady!!

anyways, it made me smile to see and automatically check if it was left or right :)

Anonymous said...

Well it's a true double helix whether it's left or right. But B DNA (righthanded) is the normal DNA found in most organisms. Still I know what you mean. But this is actually right handed DNA. The strands are moving clockwise.

Glad you remembered that there is left and right DNA though.... that's a lot more than a lot of other people know!