Saturday, September 6, 2008

Concert, Amen, Good God

Last night I drove up to Philadelphia Biblical University to attend a free concert, featuring Christian music artist Shaun Groves. I met my friends Brian and Mary Hand (Brian attends PBU, which is how I found out about the concert) and we settled in, not really knowing what to expect. I'd heard of Shaun Groves, and had heard one or two songs of his on the radio (and liked them) but really didn't know much about him.

It turns out that Shaun is a very talented singer, guitarist, and pianist, but more than that, he's incredibly witty and charismatic. He was so funny and held the audience in the palm of his hand. He had some goofy songs (one about shopping at a flea market in Montgomery) and other serious songs. At one part during the concert, he had some of the lyrics of his songs projected on screens so we could sing along. One song that particularly touched me was called "Amen." Here are the lyrics.

My body breaks beneath the weight
Of toil and trouble, fears and fights
Sickness in me, world against me
I cry to You tonight

Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Holy Healer
Strength within
Pass me not
Forsake me not, Lord

My enemies are whispering
They pray my name may die
So few to trust, so few are just
I cry to You tonight

Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Faithful Brother
Closest Friend
Pass me not
Forsake me not, Lord
Amen, Amen

My heart is dim, It’s always been
I turn from what is right
Passions of youth tear me from truth
I cry to You tonight

Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Sinless Savior
Judge of men
Pass me not
Forsake me not, Lord
Amen, Amen

It was a beautiful song, with words that echo feelings I've often felt. Sometimes it feels like I have the world on my shoulders. Sometimes it feels like God is so far away. Thankfully for me, God is merciful and gracious and forgiving, and constant. Though I may feel oppressed and far from God, he is near and willing to take me as I am, flaws and all. I just need to reach out and accept his love. And that's a promise he's made to not just me, but to everyone.

That's a good God.

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