Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How could I forget?!?!

I can't believe I forgot to post something as huge as this.....

Over labor day weekend, I acquired two highly prized (to me at least) concert tickets at the chameleon club in Lancaster. And the tickets are for.....


Hahaha, I'm sure anyone who reads this is probably thinking one of three things:

1) Why in the world is she excited about seeing Hanson

2) Hanson is still in the music business??

3) Mmmmbop

Well. I have loved Hanson since they came on the music scene 10+ years ago. I jumped on the teen-crazed Hanson bandwagon with abandon, I could sing every song (inlcuding the mumbly song Mmmbop, and yes, I do still know it and can still sing it :) and I wanted to see them in concert so badly, but never got the chance.

Hanson dropped from the boy-band scene to become more of an Indie band, and really matured in their music and sound. I love all their music, from the old to the newest stuff. One of my favorite new songs is "Go" and I like it because it has a bit different sound- because Zach (the youngest brother) is singing the lead vocals (instead of Taylor, the middle brother).

In May, my sister Britt had texted me telling me that they were playing at the chameleon club, but I waited too long to get tickets and missed my chance. I was so upset. So when Britt told me they were coming again for their walk around the world tour, I immediately hopped on the computer and snagged two tickets. YAY!!!!! :D

The concert is at the end of October, so stay tuned for a blog about how it went!!! I can't wait!!!!

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